Keynote and Plenary Session Presentations


Chaos, Privilege, and Bravery: Health Equity Never Had a Chance – BEFORE… Natalie S. Burke, President & CEO, CommonHealth ACTION
Communities Leading from Abundance: Bright Spots from the Field

Sarah Callender, LCSW, Director of Health and Wellness, Downtown Women’s Center

‘Shemekka Ebony’ Coleman, MS, Steward of Community Champions, 100 Million Healthier Lives

Kate Ebersole CPCC, Principal, KEE Concepts Consulting, LIA: Cattaraugus County Healthy Livable Community

Seth Fritsch, Strategic Initiatives Coordinator, Health Improvement Partnership of Maricopa County (HIPMC)

Paul Howard, Senior Director of Knowledge Sharing, Community Solutions, Moderator

Niñon Lewis, MS, Executive Director, Triple Aim for Populations Focus Area, Institute for Healthcare Improvement, Moderator

Andrew Martin, Field Agent, 100 Million Healthier Lives

Esther Munene, Equity Action Lab- ECOR

Funding the Work: A New Era





The Role of a Health Foundation in Developing HealthNotJustHealthcare Strategies to Assist Communities and Community Clinics

Trends in Giving for Health Equity

Judith Warren, MPH, Communities Joined in Action – Chair, CEO Health Care Access Now, Moderator;

Pablo Bravo, MPA, Vice President of Community Health, Dignity Health

Pamela Russo, MD, MPH, Senior Program Officer, Robert Wood Johnson Foundation

Shao-Chee Sim, PhD, Vice President for Applied Research, Episcopal Health Foundation

Lisa Ranghelli, MRP, Senior Director of Assessment and Special Projects, National Committee for Responsive Philanthropy (NCRP)


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