2024 Conference

Hotel Albuquerque
Albuquerque, New Mexico 
May 1-3, 2024

Communities Joined In Action, or CJA, is a national nonprofit organization that facilitates the acceleration and dissemination of best practices and tools, facilitates formal learning opportunities, and supports community health collaboratives to improve health and eliminate disparities. In short, CJA works to achieve 100% access and zero disparities. 

The 2024 CJA National Conference, is taking place May 1-3, 2024, in Albuquerque, New Mexico. With a theme of Inspiring health, equity, and well-being, this is a national gathering for people like you, who are passionate about improving health, increasing access, and eliminating disparities. With in-depth pre-conference sessions, more than a dozen educational workshops; countless inspirational leadership discussions; opportunities to connect with peers and more, this conference offers something for every champion of equity!

Want to be a speaker or sponsor? Want to join the Convening Panel? Just have questions? Email info@cjaonline.net and let us know you’re interested.

Communities Joined In Action acknowledges that Native/indigenous Peoples and Tribal nations, including the Tiwa Pueblo peoples, and neighboring Tribal Nations, have stewarded through time immemorial and a millennium of generations, the lands, and waterways of what is now the City of Albuquerque (City). Communities Joined In action also honors and respects the enduring relationship that exists between these Peoples and Tribal Nations and this land and commit to continuing to learn how to be better stewards of the land the City inhabits as well.

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