2015 Annual Conference

You are cordially invited to register for Communities Joined in Action’s (CJA) tenth annual conference, “Unleashing the Power of Communities: Aligning Organizations & Aspirations to Improve Health” in Washington D.C. on September 30 – October 2, 2015.

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CJA’s annual meeting and conference brings health stakeholders together annually from across the country to share emerging lessons and innovations to improve our health care delivery system and take actions that improve health in our communities.

The conference will include compelling plenary presentations by national leaders, large and small group discussions of current challenges and opportunities, and focused workshops to share and discuss local innovations.

Participants will learn how to:

  • Identify and design approaches to build, support, and sustain local coalitions;
  • Explore and create opportunities to build more sustainable approaches to health improvement in local communities through intersectoral partnerships;
  • Adopt and adapt the latest innovations among health systems to improve access, quality, and build population health capacity;
  • Tailor alternative approaches to advance the Triple Aim objectives, and their implications for current functions and structures;
  • Align and leverage the roles and contributions of community health workers and other frontline health workers in building health systems that function as integral elements of local communities; and
  • Examine and leverage emerging approaches to philanthropy and investment in community health improvement, with attention to both institutional and broader societal returns on investment.

Register for our 2015 Annual Conference Below!

CJA Conference Registration

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