Arthur Himmelman

Arthur Himmelman

Arthur Himmelman
Himmelman Consulting

Arthur Himmelman is a nationally recognized consultant who assists organizations and communities in the design, implementation/facilitation, and evaluation of community and systems change collaboration. He has worked with partnerships in affordable housing, community economic development, social investment, supporting the advancement of students of color, early childhood education and development, retire volunteerism, inner-city higher education, community crime prevention, drug and substance abuse prevention, healthy communities, public health, community benefit and other health related collaborations among others. His speaking, consultations, and publications include insightful conceptual frameworks for understanding collaborative change, and user-friendly, practical guides promoting mutual respect, mutual learning, and mutual accountability in the collaborative change process. The theme for his work is building bridges from service to justice. Prior to creating his consulting practice, Arthur was a senior fellow at the Hubert H. Humphrey School of Public Affairs, a senior program officer at The McKnight Foundation and at The Saint Paul Foundation, and a senior associate at the Center for Health Leadership and Practice, a program of the Public Health Institute in Oakland. Arthur also served as the director of a consortium of colleges expanding access to higher education for inner-city communities and as the co-founder and director of an inner-city center for higher and community education.  Arthur has served on numerous nonprofit boards, including organizations increasing access to the arts, providing women safe passage from abuse, supporting decent and affordable public housing, and advocating and organizing for social justice. Arthur received a M.A. in American Studies from University of Minnesota- Twin Cities.

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